The Rev. Victor Hailey, is a Virginia native who was ordained to the priesthood in 2009 by The Rt. Rev. Neff Powell. He earned a B.A in History from St. Andrews University. He went on to receive his M. Div. from the School of Theology at the University of the South in 2009.
Beginning his ministry with St. Stephen's on September 15, 2016 as Priest-in-Charge, Father Hailey celebrated his new ministry as rector on January 17, 2019 with Bishop Sutton in attendance.
He and his wife Abby, have two children. He avidly follows the Southampton Saints and the University of Virginia Cavaliers. Wahoowa!!
Fr. Hailey will be away on Sabbatical from June 6 through September 6. Please see Severn Musings for periodic updates on his travels. For pastoral emergencies, please call (410) 703-4264