Worship Services

Service Times


  • 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II (streamed on Facebook and YouTube)


  • 10:00 AM Healing Eucharist


    Join us for Livestream Worship


      Bulletin for December 22,2024
      Worship Bulletin for December 22, 2024. The Fourth Sunday of Advent Holy Baptism with Holy Communion


      News and Announcements for Dec 22,2024
      News and Announcements for week of Dec 22,2024

      Please note that at our livestreamed services, members of the congregation may be captured on camera during communion and other parts of the service. The nursery is available for our Sunday service for (infants – 4 yrs old).

      What to Expect

      When you visit St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church or any church at all for the first time it may feel a little strange and intimidating. We want you to be able to relax and feel welcome and able to participate as you choose.

      Our Sunday services all center around Holy Communion (also called Eucharist).

      Everyone, regardless of age, is welcome to receive Holy Communion. While the Episcopal Church, as all churches rooted in the history Christian faith, affirms that the sacrament of Baptism is the ancient and normative entry point for receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist, we also believe that anyone who desires to receive the body and blood of our Lord is always welcome at God’s table. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, the Episcopal Church is here for you, and we invite you to explore with us what being baptized could mean for your life. If you would like to know more, please see the priest following the service.

      When receiving the Holy Communion, you may take just the bread if you prefer, or the clergy person can provide a gluten-free wafer if you request it. Please guide the cup with one of your hands when receiving the wine. If you are not baptized, or would prefer not to receive Communion for any personal or religious reason, you are still invited to come forward at the time of Communion to receive a blessing from the priest. (Please place your arms across your chest to indicate your desire to receive a blessing.)

      Above all, remember that all are welcome here at St. Stephen’s!

      What time is the service on Sunday morning?

      We gather for worship at 9:00 AM. Our liturgy follows the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II . Our choir enhances our worship experience by leading us in the singing of traditional hymns and anthems. The first Sunday of every month is our Family Eucharist with a sermon geared towards children and family friendly music.

      How long do services last?

      Our service usually lasts about an hour and 10 minutes.

      Do you offer programs for children?

      We do! Children are welcome members of our community and we love to see them in church! We have Sunday School for children from 4 all the way through high school. Our children receive Christian Education during the first part of the service, and then join us after the Peace to receive Communion with their families. We also have a nursery available for children up to 4 years old.

      Tips for helping your child learn to worship:

      • Encourage your child to follow words in hymns and readings by moving your finger along the lines on the page.
      • Suggest ways your child may engage what is happening in worship using their own learning style. If they like art, have them draw pictures of the scripture or design a worship banner. If they like math, have them count the number of times they hear a certain word in the sermon.
      • Remember that it’s okay if your child has the wiggles or makes some noise— God’s house is a place where they can come just as they are!
      • Model attentiveness to and engagement with what is going on. They learn from you!
      • Discuss what you did in worship driving home.


      What should I wear?

      There is no dress code. Some people dress up in their Sunday best, while others show up in khakis, shorts, or jeans. The important thing is that you are with us, not whether you are perfectly pulled together.